lørdag 19. september 2009

Last saturday in Mandal!

I just kind of changed the language to english, in a way. So, today has been a pretty random day so far, which I prefer. After a late breakfast I went to the "city" with Mathilde, Natasha, Siri and Supawadee. One of the first things we saw was a marching band in pink shirts and lederhosen. It was fantastic. We ate stuff and chased bees at a place called Provianten. Later that day my teammate, Hilde, got a call from her uncle, and we ended up going to an Øystein Sunde show. It was awesome.

I am currently a student at Hald International Center, and I am going to Brazil in 12 days for 6 months!

torsdag 17. september 2009


I dag hadde eg min fysste (kanskje einaste?) bloggtime, ka-pow! Mer komme sannhåpentlig vis!